Friday, September 21, 2012

Comments for Teachers - Project #3

Are You a Steward of Time? -Jeff Delp
In this blog post, Mr. Delp touched on the fact that much time is wasted during faculty meetings at work. Delp noticed that he, and many other administrators, were taking time away from teachers by pulling them away from their work and talking to them about pointless subjects that could be discussed some other time, in another way. He created a blog for all of his teachers and faculty to communicate together and share news and ideas with each other. This was also a way for him, as the principal, to share news worthy information about the school or community to his teachers with out taking more time away and calling a faculty meeting. Delp also sent out regular running google documents out to his staff for daily reminders and announcements. He encourages others to use these methods and to see if they help save time.
I left Mr. Jeff Delp a comment commending him for changing his school for the better and trying to save time. I stated that teachers already have a tough time finding enough time in the day to teach lessons to students and take care of everyday classroom chores. Finding ways to get announcements and other news to teachers in a more efficient way is extremely important.

Recognize The Big Rocks -Jeff Delp
 A picture of rocks and pebbles
In this post, Delp talked about his struggles separating the "big rocks" from the "pebbles" as a principal. He hits on four main areas where he seems to be having troubles. The first, Effective relationships. Delp says that it is necessary, for those who want to improve schools, to communicate and keep strong connections with one another to effectively improve things. Next, Instructional leadership. He believes that his role as principal is a vital role and must not be taken lightly. Delp makes a comment stating that he is always trying to push forward and keep up with professional learning. Thirdly, Climate and Environment. He states that even though teachers and staff can not control the things that happen around us, they need to be able to work together and learn how to stop negativity from spreading around the entire campus. Last but not least, Balance, the most important. Delp states that his biggest trouble is finding balance with his work and being able to separate those big rocks from the pebbles.
I commented on this post saying that I, too, had troubles separating the big rocks from the pebbles. I thanked him for all of his hard work and that I love reading about a principal working their hardest to improve a school.

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