Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blog Post #4

Kids practicing podcasting
Langwitches 1st Graders Create Their Own Read-Along Adiobook
I will admit, I chose this one because it was the first. However, I'm glad I did! I never thought about having a child, especially a first grader, create their own version of a script to a book and make a podcast. I thought the idea of printing out the script for the others to follow was brilliant! It allowed the children to follow along and practice reading while listening to another child speak.
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
I had never heard of podcasting until this assignment. I wish this was popular when I was in school because there are many benefits to using this technology in the classroom. This video hits on all of the main benefits and even shows examples using real life situations. For example, when a child is sick, a teacher can record the lessons so the sick student does not fall behind. I know I will take advantage of that feature when I become a teacher. As a child, I hated missing school because trying to make everything up was a huge pain.
This post on Langwitches blog is about a lesson that helped students learn and comprehend Hebrew. The students learned about the story of Purim and had to write a script and record them telling parts of the story in Hebrew. The students worked together in recording and editing the podcast. This lesson really seemed to get the students excited to learn a new language. This is something I would love to use for learning new vocabulary units.

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